How To Update your Exterior: Paint Vinyl Shutters for $20

Riverdale Ranch exterior curb appeal

When it comes to affordable curb appeal, always think paint. While painting the entire exterior can be pricey, painting shutters, posts, etc. can make a big difference. Learn more about how to paint vinyl shutters yourself!

Our vinyl shutters were a brick red color that matched the front door. When I re-finished the front door using gel stain (see the huge transformation here!), the shutters needed a face lift too. I was once told that the color every room needs is black, so why not apply that advice to the exterior as well? I completely changed the look of our exterior vinyl shutters in an afternoon for $20! 

This post contains affiliate links for your convenience which may reward me in the event of a sale. Note that I only recommend tools and products I have personally used and loved.


– Water hose

-Cleaning brush


-Tide/bleach/water mix (my go to cleaning solution for EVERYTHING courtesy of @Gocleanco– 4 cups hot water, 4 tsp bleach, 1 tsp Tide laundry powder)

Rustoleum Painters Touch 2X Ultra Cover Paint and Primer black spray paint

-Cardboard/plastic drop cloth

STEP 1: Remove Shutters

Our shutters were “nailed” in with plastic pegs that are easily removed. Make sure to keep up with the pegs! Put them in a plastic baggie to keep them together and safe. If your shutters are different sizes, create a system to mark the location so you can remember where they go when it’s time to hang them back up.

STEP 2: Clean Shutters

I laid mine out in the driveway, and used the hose to spray them clean. I used a brush and the Tide/bleach/water solution to scrub away dirt, mildew and cobwebs as necessary. 

STEP 3: Dry, prep and spray

Allow the shutters to dry, it won’t take long if it’s a sunny day. Lay out cardboard or a plastic drop cloth underneath the shutters and spray paint. Always shoot for multiple light coats to decrease dripping, running and over spraying. Move in a sweeping motion, not staying in one spot too long. Allow them to dry at least an hour between coats. For reference, my 8 large shutters and 2 small shutters required 2 coats each and about 5 cans of spray paint.

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STEP 4: Hang shutters and enjoy

After the paint dries, nail them back up. You can either spray the pegs before you replace them, or carefully spray/paint the pegs once they have secured the vinyl shutters back to the wall. 

 Paint Vinyl Shutters

It’s amazing how the black pops against the brick instead of blending in. Contrast is a good thing my friend! I’d love to see how your project goes, please share!

Enjoy the process,